Discover the Five Steps of Getting Out of Your Own Way from Hospitality Industry Expert Anthony Melchiorri

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Invaluable Insights for Your Career and Life

In this best-selling book, Anthony explains the difference between showing up for yourself and standing up for yourself. He gives personal examples of when he did both and when maybe he chose the wrong time to stand up instead of show up and vice versa.

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With Show Up You Will...

Learn the Five Steps that helped him stay authentic and true to himself.

​Take inventory of who you are and how the world sees you.

Discover how to leverage your strengths and double-down on yourself.

Professional Development

"Show Up" provides practical strategies and techniques for enhancing your professional skills and improving your performance in any field that involves customer service or managing people. The offers valuable lessons on leadership, communication, and delivering exceptional experiences to customers or clients.

Motivational Insights

Anthony Melchiorri shares personal anecdotes and stories from his career, which are inspiring and thought provoking. Learning about his journey and how he overcame challenges will help you stay focused on your goals and provide a fresh perspective on your own work.

Industry-Specific Knowledge

If you work or aspire to work in the hospitality industry, "Show Up" offers specific insights and guidance that is relevant.


You know, throughout my entire career, I've been on this journey to find my place in this crazy world. And let me tell you, I've had my fair share of ups and downs, successes, and failures. But you know what I've learned through it all? Nothing, absolutely nothing, can replace the power of authenticity. It might have gotten me into a bit of trouble sometimes, and yeah, it might have even saved me from some sticky situations. But here's the thing that changed everything for me: once I stopped trying to fit into some mold and just embraced who I truly am, my authentic self, that's when things started falling into place.

It's like this realization hit me like a ton of bricks—showing up for myself, for who I am, and not pretending to be someone else was the key to unlocking my potential. It's what allowed me to cross things off my bucket list and make a name for myself in the hospitality business and on TV.

But you know what really struck me? The difference between merely showing up and really standing up for myself. It took me quite a while to figure it out, but once I did, it was like a game-changer. It was a turning point that shaped my career and my life in ways I could never have imagined..

"No one refuses to show up for themselves because of other people, they refuse to show up for themselves because they don't have the tools to do it."

What Others Are Saying

Marc Summers
TV Personality, Producer & Comedian

If you look up the words "Hospitality Expert" in the dictionary a picture of Anthony Melchiorri appears next to the definition. Never one to be afraid of any situation, Anthony pulls off miracles in the hotel business primarily because of his thinking outside the box attitude and lack of fear in impossible situations... the respect he gets from people he works with and primarily because of his show up mindset.

If you're anything like me, you've read autobiographies from successful people relaying their own genius and the serendipity of their lives. This is NOT that. Anthony explains the principles he lives his life by and how those principles helped him navigate from one level to the next... you get a front-row seat into the critical moments and key decisions he had to make that resulted in his ultimate success.

A. Hassen

If you’re looking for motivation and empowerment to SHOW UP for yourself (and in turn others), read this book. If you’re looking for easy, practical ways to SHOW UP in real life, read this book. If you’re looking for the words to jump off the page as if the author is standing in front of you reading the book TO YOU, get this book. If you’re looking for a no BS, straight to the point, hit the ground running ways to elevate your life and career, you HAVE to read this book.



Anthony Melchiorri is a well-known expert in the hospitality industry, particularly in the field of hotel & restaurant management and customer service/experience. If you're interested in learning from someone with extensive experience in business, his insights are invaluable.

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